Krita artists
Krita artists

I may use one software from start to finish or combine various software packages to accomplish what I need. I choose my software and process according to my needs. My design process mostly depends on the kind of look I need in the final image. I know these are somewhat quick and safe concepts, but given the little time I had for the project, I went ahead with them. Repurposing my hand visual, I replaced the heart with a bouquet of flowers that has a heart-shaped card saying #thankGNU! The FSF website has a hashtag for a donation program called #thankGNU, so I thought about using this as the basis of my design.I didn't feel any excitement in executing this idea, nevertheless, I kept it for backup in case I fell short of time. I also wanted to ask people to donate to FSF, so I sketched a hand giving a heart.

krita artists

So, I thought showing some mountaineers would resonate well. On the FSF's website, I read about taking free software to new frontiers, which made me think about the idea of "conquering a summit." Free software work is also filled with adventures, in my opinion, and sometimes a task may seem like scaling a summit.I scanned them using Skanlite although these sketches were very rough and would need proper layout and design, they were a good base for me to work from. I needed to finish the project in two days time, while simultaneously working on other projects. I am not that great of a copywriter, so I started reading the FSF website to get some copy material. Sketching some conceptsĪfter understanding Abhas' initial requirements, I sat down to visualize some concepts. This article is my effort to detail the process I typically use to create my artwork and to spread awareness that one can do professional work with the help of F/LOSS tools. Although many artists successfully use free software to create artwork, I repeatedly encounter comments in discussion forums claiming that free software is not made for creative work. I create my artwork with F/LOSS (free/libre open source software) tools. I designed two posters for RMS's talk in Bangalore. Stallman was visiting our country, and my friend Abhas Abhinav wanted to put up some posters and banners to promote his visit. Welcome to the communityĪ few months ago, I was asked to design some posters for a local Free Software Foundation (FSF) event.

Krita artists